We focus on establishing selective collaborations with SMEs in business or institutional sectors. This ideally results in joint-effort partnerships for asset-based projects. We want your business to grow and offer access to the best fitting financing tool to reach your expectations.
Offering leasing for all types of goods. Free-up cash. Rental solutions are excluded from the balance sheet. Reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Special equipment can also include non-hardware services.
One-off assignments with specifically defined aims. Setting up a collaboration with large vendor banks takes up to a year. We establish (y)our separate financing department within a short period accessing multiple established funding sources.
Smart also means Financing advice at the highest level of confidence. Especially SMEs are in need of insourcing thorough financial knowledge and support.
In addition we specialize in debt-collection and related credit management services to ensure best income guarantee possible. Renewed and customized systematics through use of inhouse lawyers.
Structuring and guiding your SME and Institution towards recent obligatory Corporate Social Responsibility. We offer strategies that you can incorporate into your CSR initiatives to maximize stakeholder value. The mandatory 11/2020 EU legislation has shifted from soft to hard law to plan the 3 P's of Sustainability: “Profit People Planet”. We put this in effect by implementing our EPEE approach (Environmental, Philanthropic, Ethical and Economic responsibility).
I represent a small group of professionals with tangible experience in above mentioned areas. We work in reinvigorating ways with a unique and stimulating approach.